I haven't previewed all the following but I recieved them from EdSightings (email gihan@firststep.com.au to recieve their emails)
Teach with Movies-This web site is designed to help parents use a selectgroup of feature
length films to supplement school curriculum andeducate theirchildren.
BBC Education Web Guide-The BBC (in the UK) have created a comprehensive collection of links to top educational Web sites. The sites are grouped by subject, or you can search for specific keywords.
Baxter's EduNET-EduNET is an educational web site designed forstudents of all ages to
do their research. It has 12 Learning Categories plusmany other
excellent features. Examples are, make-your-ownhomepage, a Teachers'
Only section, list your school/classroom, an educationdirectory, and
our latest addition EduNET on-tour, a virtual travelexperience
relating to medieval studies.
The Best Information on the Net (BIOTN)-The Librarians at St. Ambrose University have designeda superior website for reference and research. The almostinexhaustible array of links and connections to equally worthy sites makesthis my first stop for any assignment.
Web World for EducatorsContent-rich resources for any educator searching theweb for ideas on integrating technology into their classroom. You will find a wealth of information concerning curriculum resources, technicalassistance,grants and funding, planning for technology and onlinetutorials.-
MindReadr: The Education Internet Index-MindReadr is a safe, comprehensive K-12 education website for students, parents, teachers, librarians and administrators. MindReadr evaluates and presents a selection of exceptional on-linecurriculum, research materials and lesson plans.
Greenpeace USA Kids' Clubhouse-Share ideas about how to protect our planet,participate in fun activities, and learn amazing facts about ourearth.
CHOICE Humanitarian-This web site provides examples of short-term service opportunities for high school students interested in spending 2 weeks working in a village in Africa, Asia,or Latin America.
Our First Grade Backpack-This is a categorized collection of great links that first grade students can use. It covers every level
from just beginning to more advanced. Students would be able to read the material with little help.
Cave Spring Junior High School (CSJH)-CSJH is a school site that includes comprehensive link libraries for kids, teachers and parents, tutorials for
"Internet Resources" and "Help@email" and launch pages
for a variety of specific research projects. Student
produced pages, an awesome art gallery, originalgraphics
and an award program round out this extensive site.
Kids Crosswords-A site that is valuable to teachers, students and parents alike. It includes crossword puzzles, and word puzzles in all areas, i.e. math, science, geography, history, etc.
Intel in Education-Intel has a brand new site which is an outstanding resource for educators. It offers many online resources, one of
which is free curriculum for grade 5-9 science, math & technology teachers.
Gifts of Speech: Women's Speeches From Around the World-"I contact contemporary influential women everywhere and ask them to contribute speeches to the site. We havenearly 400 speeches now by women like Barbara Jordan, Camile Paglia and Janet Reno. Please stop by to take a look!
TeachersFirst - Classroom Resources & Lesson Plans for K-12-A large collection of teacher resources. Classroom materials, reviewed by teachers, sorted by subject areaand grade level.
Collapse: Why Do Civilisations Fall?-Mesopotamia, Teotihuacan, Chaco Canyon - they were once flourishing, vibrant communities that have all but disappeared from Earth. Explore theories on what caused these cities to collapse and learn how scientists findand assemble clues of the past in our "Collapse" exhibit.
Celebration of Women Writers-This is a great site for anyone studying Literature,who is interested in female writers.
A Walk Through Time-This site, from the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology, chronicles the history of keeping time, from ancient calendars to atomic clocks.
MiddleWeb-MiddleWeb provides links, resources, and original reporting for middle school teachers, parents, and others interested in raising student achievement and reforming middle grades education.
The Science Center-The Science Center is dedicated to helping teachers stimulate students' interest in science, specifically chemistry. The Web site provides lesson plans and classroom activities geared towards the science educator.
ePALS Classroom Exchange -There is adatabase of classrooms which includes informationabout the school,
grade, and class. While meeting new friends via theInternet, children
learn how to use the technology and become familiarwith all its
functions. It is great for all subjects and simplylearning about
another country and its culture, is easy and fun.
Peace Corps Kids World-Kids World contains content, colors, graphics, games,and language
designed to educate and entertain children about world geography and
the cultures of other countries. It allows children ofall ages to send
electronic postcards, read folk tales from around theworld, download
colouring pages, and test their geography savvy withan interactive flash game.
Literacy and Technology-Annotated web resource for teachers, parents andstudents. Features
language arts lesson plans, reference sites, virtualfield trips and
media sources.
Exworthy Educational Links-Exworthy Educational Links is a collection ofeducational resources for
teachers, students and parents. Updated daily, this site offers
important information about Website Development,Network Setup, Staff
Development, Resources for Technology Coordinators,and links to
resources by subject.
WOW It's ScienceA lively, quirky and information rich Web site
dedicated to presenting Science in a contemporary, everyday setting.
Applications of science surround us - and it can be fun.
4th and 5th Grade
Student Research ResourcesWell-categorized and age-appropriate links make this
an excellent first stop for students ages 9-11.
Learning about
LeonardoThe site features original music composed by Leonardo
da Vinci and compares the theories of Dr. Lillian Schwartz and Rina
de Firenze,author of Mystery of the Mona Lisa, through scientific inquiry.
The Drama Teacher's Resource Room
An award winning Canadian site dedicated to grade 4-12 drama teachers
with lesson plans, backstage activities/archives,production ideas,support, other WWW drama links and educator seminar
BritesparksA site for families and teachers of gifted children
with special needs. This site attempts to provide a community atmosphere
with on-site resources, documents, children's area, educational resources
Gareth Pitchford's Primary Resources
An excellent site with lots of maths, English and
other lesson ideas. It's got loads of examples of Art activities as well
as a collection of cartoon resources. For KS1, KS2 and K-12 teachers.
The Lesson Plans Page
The Lesson Plans Page is a collection of over 300 lesson plans in all
subjects that are useful for anyone in education.
Ocean AdVENTure: From Deep Sea to Deep Space
Discover clues for unsolved mysteries, including the origin of life on our own and
other planets. Enjoy InterActivities related to exploring Earth's last frontier.
Asia Online
It includes a new unmoderated discussion group is open
to educators, academics, student teachers and others who are
interested in including the studies of Asia across the school curriculum.
Swim With Dragons
The Swim With Dragons project is a celebration of women in science in Western Australia.
Discovery Channel School
Discovery School features complete lesson plans for educators, based on
programming from the Learning and Discovery Channels.
The Global Gazette
This site is an international newspaper for cultural exchange. It was made by three girls from the US, Norway and
Germany/Hong Kong, and has information on the government, school system, language, art, norms,
symbols, sports and unique features of the cultures
these girls represent. There is also a page within the newspaper where students can
get their work in language and arts published, and another page where others may submit their comments or experiences that
are relevant to the contents of the Web site.
School ExpressSchool Express is an educational mall with resources
for schools, homeschools, teachers, parents, and children. The Free
Worksheets are especially popular for school and home use.
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